People of Rochester - Kevin and Jackie

It was Sunday, July 25th, and I was wandering around the Lucky Flea Market, looking for interesting people to photograph, when I spotted Kevin and Jackie. They stood out because they were wearing masks, and I could count on one hand the number of people I saw wearing masks at the Lucky Flea Market that day. I decided to approach them and see if they’d be willing to talk to me about their decision to wear masks.

Kevin and Jackie have been fully vaccinated. “We live with an immunocompromised individual,” Kevin said, “and we also have a couple close friends who are immunocompromised, who we want to make sure we can see, often. It’s just a precaution.” Their roommate and friends are also vaccinated, but Kevin and Jackie aren't taking chances.

They live in Spencerport. Kevin works in a retail environment, and he’s a student-teacher, working with children who aren't necessarily vaccinated. Jackie’s a healthcare worker in a mental health facility. They met in college at SUNY Brockport, and they were both originally nursing majors.

I hope their friends know how fortunate they are to have friends like Kevin and Jackie.

Thanks, Kevin and Jackie!


People of Rochester - Suzanne and Chris


People of Rochester - Rich